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Tuesday 23 March 2010

John Milton

Milton was a great English poet. He was a revolutionary in his own way. From the class we had, in you own words, what interpretation could you give to the poem 'On Shakespeare' by John Milton?

Thursday 18 March 2010

Thank you Lucia

I am really glad to know your opinion about Shakespeare, it has been my pleasure to share his work in class. I agree with you about his talent, he was really a genious!
I hope you can keep your enthousiasm with the authors to come.
Thanks again and feel free to add any other comments.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Iambic pentameter

For Iambic: According to an online dictionary: a metrical foot, line, or stanza of verse consisting of iambs.

For Pentameter: If you know a little of Greek, Penta means FIVE, Meter means Measure.

Iambic pentameter is meter that Shakespeare nearly always used when writing in verse. Most of his plays were written in iambic pentameter, except for lower-class characters who speak in prose.

Iambic Pentameter has:

Ten syllables in each line
Five pairs of alternating unstressed and stressed syllables
It sounds like this:

ba-BUM / ba-BUM / ba-BUM / ba-BUM / ba-BUM

I hope this will help you solving your doubts.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

First Impression about Literature Class

I am very happy to begin this adventure with you. Literature has always been my passion. This time I will try to share all I know, that is very little, with all of you.

In here you can post your comment about classes. Also, you can add more information to what was already said in class or during our conversations.

I have only one thing to ask you, be polite and positive when writing.

As Ignazio Silone once wrote: Liberty is the possibility of doubting, of making a mistake,... of searching and experimenting,... of saying NO to any authority - literary, artistic, philosophical, religious, social and even political. (The God that failed, 1950)

Remember this gives you the opportunity of expressing yourselves, so DO it.