Milton was a great English poet. He was a revolutionary in his own way. From the class we had, in you own words, what interpretation could you give to the poem 'On Shakespeare' by John Milton?
In my opinion, John Milton wrote this poem in order to make an homenage to Shakespeare after his death, because it mentions Shakespeare, the poem has an structure similar as the Shakespearean sonet (iambic pentameter)and is an epitaph. This poem was also known as : "An epitaph on the admirable dramaticke poet" Sara Fernández 5° B
Sara, Remember that the structure of the poem is HEROIC COUPLET (it means 2 lines with similar rhyme aa, bb, etc. What is similar to Shakespeare sonnets is that Milton uses iambic pentameter.
From the poem, I think you could really appreciate how relevant was Shakespeare in Milton's life (Actually, I think Shakespeare can be relevant in each one of our lifes), not only in the way he wrote his own work (like copying the iambic pentameter), but also in his thoughts.
So, I was just wondering, why has Milton's work never been translated to modern english?
Well is a way to apreciate the work from Shakespear. Milton John was a devote fan, and in this poem we can see it clearly. It shows a lot of admiration and it compares Shakekspear sometimes with gods or things like that. It looks that Milton have a lot of passion on the literature and he believes Shakespear was a great man in this field. To resume, in this poem Milton John is thanking Shakespear for doing that great job that he do and he is admiring him.
Well, I believe that Milton was trying to express his admiration and homenage to Shakespeare in his words, and this was after his death. (To be in an epitaph, it had to be something really significative)
What is really interesting, is that being a revolutionary , he menifests his feelings to his best role model. So, it means that he followed his believes in many ways.
John Milton wanted to express his admiration to Shakespeare literature so he made a poem in his honnor after his death. Milton really liked the way that Shakespeare expressed his thoughts, he used the same tecnic to write (Iambic Pentameter)
'On Shakespeare' was a great poem. Its so inspiring and so beautiful.Well, this poem it´s actually an epitaph. It was incredible to see how much Jhon Milton admired and loved Shakespeare. It was such a touching epitaph. I love it. Karla Maria Rivas Plata
'On Shakespeare' I think that John Milton has reason because he is a great poet and has influence in the actual poets. He admired Shakespeare because of his work his poems ans his plays. I was very interested when i read it. Alba Lucia
For me John Milton is a real fan of Shakespeare thats why he wrote those poems , really i like it because we can see how he admired his work and his feelings and it´s good to let know if a person have got the talent to do it. Cristina Cruz
To tell you the truth, I just can't figure it out, how I managed to analyze the sonnet and explain it to the class. When you told me: “Very good, Lucia”, I was like: “Whoa, was that me?”
Anyway, before last class, I didn’t even know Milton existed which is pretty sad. I was really impressed when you said that he wrote an epic poem “Paradise Lost” that had 10.000 individual lines of verse, 10.000 verses! Even thought I don’t like religious topics, I think his work was fantastic. Just seeing what he wrote about Shakespeare in “On Shakespeare”, the devote, passionate and brilliant way he decided to honor Shakespeare work and his geniality, gives you the idea of the particularities of his work.
Recently, I also discovered that he wrote a “sequel” to Paradise Lost called “Paradise Regained” where he tries to reverse the loss of paradise. He was really fond of religion, wasn`t he?
While reading the description of “Paradise Lost”, I found that the book talked about the Book of Enoch and I immediately remembered a book I read about angels called HUSH,HUSH where a fallen angel talked about it and the Nephilim and this made consider giving it a second thought about Religious Topics.
So, maybe, Milton has managed to make me interested in this kind of topics, which is actually pretty difficult.
I´m really looking forward to discovering what else can his work manage to do.
Well, after reading his poem several times.. I finally got it.
John Milton did an epitaph in honor to Shakespeare, and he also used the same way of writing (iambic pentameter). I find it really difficult to make a tribute to such a genius! But he did it and he really did a good job.
I love the way he mixed words from the Greek culture with the amazement he felt for him. It's really impressive how many words he knows, I remember myself in class saying: "I gotta read Paradise Lost!"
John Milton did an admirable work. He really put a lot of effort in making us know how wonderful IS Shakespeare (because as his sonnet, he's alive).
Milton wrote this poem in honor to shakespeare because he admires him. I think this poem is very impressive because he also can transmit through words his feelings to Shakespeare.
Well, I think that it's a great work, because this epitaph shows the admiration that John Milton had to Shakespear and also he used the type of writing Shakespear did(iambic pentameter)
And for me it's really difficult to write my feelings, but it's most difficult to write my feelings about someone so reconized as Shakespear, so his job it's admirable.
From my point of view, John Milton was describing the value of Shakespeare's literary works because here he says that there is no need to create a tomb or monuments of Shakespeare because he has already created one in the hearts of the readers, which is completely true. Shakespeare was awesome!
I also believe that in this poem, he wanted to point out the mainly arguments about the difference between common fame and the truly lasting accomplishments of a great mind. Shakespeare was the inspiration of many poets and we really noticed it.
Before starting to post this comment, I must say that I’ve been looking for some information about Milton because I really didn’t know anything about him (only what we were talking in class).
I found that between 1632 and 1638 he lived in his father’s cottage and there, he started to prepare his poetic career through an ambition program of readings about Greek and Roman classics, as well as political and ecclesiastical history. Perhaps, it explains the way of writing that he had. That’s why we find many characters from Greek Mythology in his works, which is really impressive.
I also understand why you are saying that he was a revolutionary in his own way. I found that he received bad critics because of his personality and the way he expressed himself in some of his works. And I’m not sure, but I think he died in prison because he wrote in some of his works, things about the government and he had problems with the parliament. Anyway, he was an excellent poet.
I’d like to read “The Paradise Lost”, I know that this is one of his representative works and I found it interesting. There, he describes how human were expelled from the paradise just for eating the forbidden fruit and then, how we can gain it again in the “Paradise Regained”. Of course, I would take a lot of time to finish it because it’s really (believe it or not) tough to understand some expressions he used.
Well, I was only supposed to write my interpretation of the poem “On Shakespeare” but I really wanted to share the information that I found. I’m very excited of getting out of my ignorance and know more about great writers (the fact of being in my last year of secondary level and not know who was John Milton, was frustrating) Fortunately, we are seeing these topics in the school,haha. I think it’s enough for now. See you next class Miss Monica.
In my opinion, Milton did a great job!He honor Shakespeare in this poem and make a beautiful epitaph.He also used iambic pentameter like Shakespeare and heroic couplet which make this poem autentic. As Milton mention in the poem,Shakespeare made his own monument and let us his Knowledges.
Also, I really like this poem and the way that Milton used his knowledge of Greek culture. I don't understand why John Milton is not too famous if he was an excellent poet, I'm going to searh more information and poems about him because I found his way of write very interesting.
I think that, when Milton was writing the poem, he was thinking if what he was writing was good enough to be in honour of Shakespeare. In an hypothetical case that Milton considered Shakespeare as his model (an hypothetical case that I think is true), maybe he could think that the great thinkers of his time would find his poem too bad to be for Shakespeare, or that his publication will not be acepted.
Also, I admire on Milton that he prepared himself in important subjet of the time, as are the Greek and Roman classics (we have to remember that he lived in the Renaissance), and also political and ecclesiastical history. I think that influenced him a lot in his way of writing, as we can see in Lost Paradise.
I have read fragments of the work of Milton, but I think that if I want to find the real idea he wanted to transmit, I have to do it in Enlgish, not only because it is one of the greatest poets we had had in the history of the Literature, but he is one of the few real poets that have wrote with the heart in hand.
Miss; For me John Milton wrote this poem in honour of Shakespeare, he did it because Milton admired Shakespeare so much maybe for his experience and his beautiful sonnets. As we can see, he used the same way for writing his poems, iambic pentameter, and in that way we can see all the admiration that he felt for Shakespeare. For me, he did a great work with this poem because nowadays he transmits us the admiration and all those feelings that he felt for Shakespeare, is a important contribution for the culture and the literature of these days. I really like the poem.
First of all, sorry for posting this comment so late, i had problems with my computer but now it is all fixed.
"On Shakespeare" by John Milton, is an epitaph in which Milton tries to show the great admiration that he had for Shakespeare.
In the poem, Milton mention that it is not necessary to built monuments in his honor to show how beautiful were his poems, because after each person read his works, they would found it incredible and in this way the monument will be created inside of us, as a relique we will never forget.
Milton compared Shakespeare with some characters of greek mithology and also with kings, so this shows how important are the works of Shakespeare for the history.
As well as this poem, he had written many other poems remain the best known "Paradise lost". It would be really interesting to continue reading works of Milton, as many other writers that had contributed to the history.
I was searching in the net about John Milton, because to tell you the truth I didn’t knew about him. I found that Milton's contribution was solicited for the second folio commendations because one from his father had appeared in the first folio, and the request represented a significant show of gratitude towards the Milton family. Something I found really interesting was that “On Shakespeare” he did his first publication while he was just beginning M.A. and had a small but promising reputation as a versifier, if not yet, a poet.
I believe that Milton wrote this poem, actually an epitaph, honoring Shakespeare. And we can see this admiration and love, when he mentions for example “hallow’d reliques”. Shakespeare was never considered or consecrated a saint but for Milton he was kind of it, as he also refers him as a son of a goddess (in this case Mnemosyne’s son). As well he marks out his work as incomparable poems that will never be reached.
For him, it was not necessary to build a monument or a tomb, because what really mattered for Milton was that people could create those things in their hearts.
As we can see, for Milton, Shakespeare was a huge influence as he used the same technique (iambic pentameter), even though the structure for the poem was different (heroic couplet). He really did a great work, because with the dedication that he put in the epitaph he has made us realize how important Shakespeare was for him, and convey his importance and his work to all of us.
I was searching in the net about John Milton, because to tell you the truth I didn’t knew about him. I found that Milton's contribution was solicited for the second folio commendations because one from his father had appeared in the first folio, and the request represented a significant show of gratitude towards the Milton family. Something I found really interesting was that “On Shakespeare” he did his first publication while he was just beginning M.A. and had a small but promising reputation as a versifier, if not yet, a poet.
I believe that Milton wrote this poem, actually an epitaph, honoring Shakespeare. And we can see this admiration and love, when he mentions for example “hallow’d reliques”. Shakespeare was never considered or consecrated a saint but for Milton he was kind of it, as he also refers him as a son of a goddess (in this case Mnemosyne’s son). As well he marks out his work as incomparable poems that will never be reached.
For him, it was not necessary to build a monument or a tomb to show how important was Shakespeare, what really mattered for Milton was that people could create those things in their hearts while reading his poems.
As we can see, for Milton, Shakespeare was a huge influence as he used the same technique (iambic pentameter), even though the structure for the poem was different (heroic couplet). He really did a great work, because with the dedication that he put in the epitaph he has made us realize how important Shakespeare was for him, and convey his importance and his work.
John Milton wrote a wonderful poem to Shakespeare showing their appreciation and admiration, both in his way of writing (iambic pentameter) and his own words.
In my opinion, Shakespeare gave us a great contribution to the literature and knowledge so that also came to admire.
Until now, he is remembered for his incomparable talent.
In my opinion, John Milton wanted to honor Shakespeare in his poem 'On Shakespeare’ (that it's actually an epitaph because it was written after Shakespeare's death) for all his work. He is comparing him with great things, to a point where he says that Shakespeare is a saint (hallow'd reliques). But he is also saying that there is no need to create monuments for Shakespeare because he has already created himself one with his valuable and wonderful work and also that nobody will be capable to surpass his work.
In 'On Shakespeare' we can observe the presence of a heroic couplet, which means that are 2 lines that at the end rhyme. John Milton is known for his poem 'Paradise Lost', here he wanted to express the fight between God and Satan, between good and evil. This poem has been the source of inspiration in several aspects of art and modern culture.
Paradise Regained was the following poem he wrote. There he is charting the temptation of Christ by Satan, and the return of the possibility of paradise. The reputation of the sequel never equaled its antecedent.
I want to add that John Milton was born at the end of the renaissance and in the beginning of the reformation. Because of this he was influenced by the Greek and Roman classics and he showed this in the way in which he wrote his poems.
Changing the subject, I wanted to tell you that I realized the mistake I had in the quiz about the sonnet XVIII and that now I know that Shakespeare was talking about immortality and that all his feelings for the person he was writing to, will last forever.
I really surprised last class when we studied milton and to analyze his poems. I'm totally agree withh Milton because I think like him that shakespeare does not need any type of monument to be admired, since his work has done that every reader takes it in their hearts.
also, I could notice that Jhon Milton had admiration for shakespeare, since he compares it with persons of the Greek mythology and kings, I thik that is because before he read very much about greek and Rome.
Another thing is that Milton write his poems with the same structure of shakespeare's poems that were sonets with iambic pentameter,this poems were HEROIC COUPLET ,too .
I am very happy of being learning about Milton since we reinforces my knowledge of literature and also we are leraning about new Prominent figures of history anf literature.
With this class I think that we will learn about all prominent figures that before we did not know much and that will serve us for the present and future life.
Well the last class I really enjoyed because I learned new things about John Milton I have ever heard about him since tuesday .
In this poem about Shakespeare, John Milton describes the value of literary works of Shakespeare. He said that there was no need to create a tomb or monument of Shakespeare he has already created one in the hearts of the readers. See you next class miss :D
John Milton epitaph, “On Shakespeare” could be a little difficult to interpret and analyze because of the Greek words he used. But I really admire, the honor and respect he had from Shakespeare, it was like a symbol for Milton, to continue written different poems, epitaphs, etc.
So great was the admiration for Shakespeare that he decided to write this poem on iambic pentameter (same as Shakespeare) but has Heroic couplet structure.
In this epitaph, Milton express, how Shakespeare had that power and magic on writing, to influence in others writers. Also, how Shakespeare works got inside the heart of each of the people who read one of them. And, Shakespeare was such a great artist and writer that everyone, even the most important men of their times would like to take his position, his creativity.
For me, history, language, and that kind of reading things, don’t attract my attention, but read about this, make me realize that I think the same as Milton, there will not be another human in the world that can write and express feelings as Shakespeare did. What I mean with this is that he can enthrall even those who do not like or who think it is boring and foolish.
Well, in my opinion John Milton wrote this epitaph(actually written in iambic pentameter and heoric couplet) to express his strong admiration to Shakespeare work. As this is an epitaph he wrote it after Shakespare's death.
Shakespeare, of course, was never consecrated a saint by any ecclesiastical authority. "Hallow'd reliques" here is merely a poetic way of referring to the admired poets remains. That's why in conclude that to Milton Shakespeare didn't need any monument or tomb to be considered, because just for his amazing work(for everybody) he was admired by everybody.
I'm really glad we are learning this in class, as we begin to understand more and more about archaic language (what is new for us( and because we are getting really intested about shakespeare and others writers works.
Cladia, normally old English is understandable nowadays, it is true some people have adventured to translate some other authors into modern English but not as an atempt to change the idea of the poem but to make it more understandable to regular people.
I personally believe that John Milton as well as Shakespeare did his best in poetry. I didn't really know about him so I searched for some information on internet and found out that as a poet, most of the people appreciated him but as a person he wasn't that admirable because he used to give more importance to his work than to his family.
Also, he had some difficulties like blindness but although it could have been a problem for writing, he managed to find the way to write. For example, when he had a new idea of what to write about, he thought of it all the night and the next day in the morning he told somenone to write it for him. In this way, he ended to write his play called "The lost paradise" and some years later he also published the second part of it.
On the other side, he was sometimes selfish because he only focussed on his persaonal requierements and left by a side his daughters. We can see this clearly when he push them to learn how to read greek for him but didn't care about the fact that they couldn't understand what they were saying.
Everything makes me think he was also to proud from himself as he included many oh his descriptions in plays. These cause him some problems as many people began to criticize him.
For instance, a common extract from the play called "Defensio" shows how proud he was from himself: "I admit that I'm not tall, but my height is closer to the medium than to the small one... I'm also not particularly weak ... considering my age and lifestyle, I was not ignorant in swordplay , and practiced using it every day ... Now I have the same spirit, the same force, but not the same eyes. And yet, I still preserve the appearance of healthy eyes, and are as clear and vivid, without any haze, as the eyes of those who see perfectly ... on my face is still perceived color that is the exact opposite of the pale and lifeless, by so although I have already more than forty years, there is hardly anyone who does not look younger by at least ten years. Nor is it true that my body or my skin will have faded”.
About the poem he wrote after Shakespeare's death (On Shakespeare), I believe it’s really amazing the way he describe how much he admire him. He out-stranded Shakespeare almost as a god and wished to reach all the things he did because Shakespeare will always be remember and analyze in future generations too.
This poem is written in antique English so it was quite difficult to understand but apart from that, it was very interesting and caught my attention a lot.
Before closing, I would like to comment that it may have been kind of difficult to write when historically they were changing of era and it's admirable how well he developed and use this as an advantage in his own work and recognize it as "Renaissance in nature".
Knowing a little more about John Milton was a wooooonderfull experience, thanks for everything.
First excuse for not write the other day,but i have some problems with the blog.First of all i think that this class was very intersted and i don`t knwo the firt day about what it is about but now i know and i think that was very exited that we have a subjet than it.
About jhon Milton i like him because tht he said Shakespear was a exellent man that write very well and i admire he.He don´t need a monument to saw what amazing he was, because you only have to read his poems and you are going to be very exited.
A soon as Milton write his poems with the same structure of shakespeare's poems that i very like and i think that it was a form to notice that he admire Shakspear.
Another thing was that it would be really exited to continue reading about Milton, as many other persons that had contributed to our story and write poems that were very intersted.
I very emotional beause i think that i`m going to know more about this writers and i am going to learn more english.
Hope you're all right! First, of all sorry for the delay, it won't happen again. I swear it :) Anyway, as I wanted to know more about him, as I did with Shakespeare, I popped into some web pages which helped me a lot to deepen my knowledge about Literature.
Well, it's said that John Milton was very influenced by Shakespeare, though; Milton had an opposite sort of personality. Among other things he has been accused of being politically an opportunist, of being immoral for the agreements on the divorce, and for his three marriages that ironically, they never ended in divorce.
Also, many people declared he had an enormous ego as Milton despised his friends when they were trying to make a comedy saying these words: "They believed themselves gallant men, I believed them idiots".
Apart form that. He has also been accused of having and stained relation with his daughters. In fact, he didn’t want to occupy of his daughters' emotions or their educational needs.
Moreover, he was really worshipped for being a poet. However, that wasn't the case when people referred to him for being a person. As for the opinions of experts, all of them agreed of saying this: "I am afraid that the way more short and more satisfactory of saying it is that, once everything has been said, Milton is a poet that we cannot stop estimating and a man whom we cannot estimate ".
Furthermore, Milton had an magnus-opus the Paradise Lost, it was composed by the blind Milton from 1658–1664 through dictation given to a series of aides in his employ. It reflects his personal despair at the failure of the Revolution, yet he affirms an ultimate optimism.
Finally, Milton had offered a Literary legacy to the world and it’s the Blank verse. It is distinguished by having a regular meter, but no rhyme. So, the “Miltonic verse” might be synonymous for a century with blank verse as poetry, a new poetic terrain independent from both the drama and the heroic couplet.
Personally, I think that Milton’s work had been brilliant and I really love the fact that other writers like him write a large number of poems in homage of previous writers, so that the culture will prevail forever. Also, I remain amazed each time we analize the poem as it’s full of metaphors. I can’t get how this people can express human emotions in such perfect way.
For me, each new writer we see, it’s a new marvelous adventure.
To begin with, I have to say that John Milton, was a a great writer, and eventhough Shakespeare, also did poems, John Milton was very respectful about him.
I think the class had a lot of enthuasiasm and that's what made it great. Since we had talk about Shakespeare already, that made us realise how important this history is for us.
To be honest I don't understand all the words, but as I said before, I'll try to do my best. Although this is not easy, is very interesting this culture.
Thanks for making the class a good moment to learn.
To begin with, I have to say that John Milton, was a great writer, and eventhough Shakespeare, also did poems, John Milton was very respectful about him.
I think the class had a lot of enthuasiasm and that's what made it great. Since we had talk about Shakespeare already, that made us realise how important this history is for us.
To be honest I don't understand all the words in the poems, but as I said before, I will try to do my best. Although this is not easy, this culture is very interesting.
John Milton had a lot of admiration for Shakespeare, that's why we wrote this poem, in honor of him.
Thanks for making the class a good moment to learn.
I think John Milton wrote this because he was HUGE Shakespare's fan and he wanted people to apreciate what he have done. He worked with the iambic pentameter as shakespeare because he inspired his poems on Shakespeare's work and Life. So he though it was good to use it because shakespeare did it.
hi miss well I really like jhon milton becuase he defended and disseminated their ideas through their plays that where marked by high religious idealism and his interest in cosmic matters. also his plays shows a great knowledge of classical Latin, Greek and Hebrew
About the poem he wrote "on Shakespeare", I believe it's interesting the way he wrote about Shakespeare, it seems that he really admired him.
The part i really like is "Thou in our wonder and Astonishment Livelong Hast built thyself a monument. " Because he said that Shakespeare is going to be remembered forever and that he built his reputation through his work valuable.also that he will be remembered for all generations.
Hi Miss! I'm sorry for the delay ,it won't happen again. For many John Milton is one of the greatest english authors after Shakespeare. His work is marked by religious idealism and his interest in cosmic matters. It reveals a deep knowledge of classical Latin, Greek and Hebrew. Just as Shakespeare,he has left us a great legacy that we must aprecciate and honour.
I think he admired Shakespeare a lot, even though they weren't from the same social class , wich by the way , influenced a lot at that time. In that poem he puts Shakespeare as a God , and uses only metaphors that express beauty , he idealized him so much , that he desires to be as good as him.
John Milton is a complex author that mixes his personal life with his work; which obviusly caught my attention.
I think, he wrote 'On Sakespeare' because Jhon Milton admired Sakespeare and it seems to be that, because he is telling us writing this poem that he wrote it in his honor, when Shakespeare die. He was an inspiration for Jhon Milton and for everybody. Shakespeare is always taking part of our lifes with his histories an it seems to be the same whith Jhon Milton. Jhon Milton also uses Shakespeare tecnic to write as iambic pentameter.
First of all, I want to say how sorry I am for the delay and I want to promise this would not happen again (:
Well, as this was the first time I hear about Milton, I thought that it would be a good idea to search some things about him, so I read some interesting webpages about him.
It's said that Milton has a lot of influence in his works by Shakespeare. Although, Milton's personality was opposite to Shakespeare's as he had a really great ego and considered himself a really good writer unlike Shakespeare who never published his plays and sonnets himself and sold some plays just for one penny.
I found out that he was not so devoted into his family and that with some other things, made him a little bit selfish, also it was for the unhappy marriage he had with Mary Powell that she left, that's when he wrote his ideas about divorce in 'Divorce Tracts' and 'Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce'.
His marriage relationship was not the only bad one, he also referes badly about his friends by saying: 'They believed themselves gallant men, I believed them idiots.'
Throughout his life, Milton had strong opinions about government, religion, education, and society matters nearly cost him his life. Though Paradise Lost is a reflection of the failure of the Commonwealth period that Milton supported so ardently, it succeeded in catalyzing two centuries of English poetry.
Eventhough, his polemical acussations like being with his daughters or marrying three times and none of them ending in a divorce, he has gained worldwide fame and influenced generations of writers. Though he died more than a hundred years before its inception, he is considered one of the forefathers of the Romantic period.
Furthermore, his magnificent book 'Lost Paradise' was publish when Milton was blind because he suffered of glaucoma, that's why he had to dictate what he wanted to write to someone else.
Regarding the poem, I believe the admiration he had for Shakespeare was enormouslly , as the homage he did for him was really emotional and described him as a god as he compared him with them: 'Dear son of memory, great heir of Fame`, also in the last heroic couplet he put him even above Kings, saying: 'And so Sepulcher'd in such pomp dost lie, That Kings for such Tomb would wish to die.'
To me, Milton is just an extraordinary writer with confuse ideas about everything surrounding him, this must be due to the environment he lived in, with so many contradictions and different points of view, where people didn't follow their insticts and always do as the goverment and the church wanted to.
All in all, I was very happy to learn from a new writer because each one lets you see a different point of view of the world and from the culture they lived in at that moment.
The class of Milton that you taught us was very interesting because I knew things of Milton that I didn’t know before like that he admire a lot Shakespeare and that he wrote the poem called “On Shakes pear” as a homage after his death.
I think that in the poem, Milton wanted to explain why he thought Shakespeare had to be respect. Also he said that Shakespeare did a great job during his life like a Renaissance poet.
I expect that the other classes would be as good as yours.
Milton wrote a heroic couplet for Shakespeare called: “On Shakes pear." I think Milton is a metaphoric man.
I expect he wrote that poem because he admired a lot him, he was his idol. He had a respect to Shakespeare’s’ poems. He can also see that in his poem he mention or compare him as if he were a god. Milton tried to show us that Shakespeare is a fantastic man, and also about his good job doing poems, phases, etc.
In my opinion, he was very realist and direct what he really wanted to transmit.
As I told you before, your class about Shakespeare and also Milton, are didactic and funny, that makes us paid attention to your class. All the classes in the school must be like yours, though.
I also expect that your classes about these themes make me feel like if I were in other planets.
Before I close, I also want to sorry for the delay. Well, see you in the next class.
Firstly, I need to say sorry for the delay, it would not happen again.
Well, responding to your post I think Milton is a very good writer and what I really like about him, it's that he had admired Shakespeare always(and I totally agree with him in that aspect).
I started looking for some information about him so here it is: -John Milton has born in 9 December 1608 and has died in 8 November 1674. -He was an English poet, author and a polemicist. -He is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost. -He was a polemic writer because he has written about religion and some things about politics. -He wrote in Latin and Italian, and had an international reputation during his lifetime. -After his death, Milton's personal reputation has continued through the centuries. -He remains generally regarded "as one of the preeminent writers in the English language and as a thinker of world importance."
hi miss! first of all i admit this was the first time i hear about milton but now i think he really was a shakespeare fan and a great writer too.
shakespeare was his inspiration to write wonderful poems and even thought he had problems with his eyes, he managed to create a lot of interesting poems and more.
something that really surprised me was that at so early age he knew perfectly latin and italian something i would want to do.
finally i think that even though milton was different to shakespeare for his high confidence, he was a very important writer who left us his creations and his devotion to shakespeare.
(im very sorry for the delay, miss sorry!!) well thats all :) bye !
First of all, sorry for the delay. I couldn't do it earlier. I hope it's not so late.
To begin with, John Milton was an English poet that even if he was radical and revolutionary, he caused a great impact in the society with his sonnets and in general, with his poetry.
I've searched a little about Milton and I found that in his poetry he reflect deep convictions that made the people of that time thought about the circumstances in which they are living. Milton also knew other languages, so he wrote in latin and italian and that's how he become well-known.
Well, in my opinion John Milton wrote "On Shakespeare" because he wanted to dedicate him a poem in which he could transmit all his thoughts and admirations that he had towards Shakespeare. Probably Milton worshipped Shakespeare a lot, thats why he wrote the poem with such feeling that he describe Shakespeare as a God or someone magnificent.
I think that's all for now. I really liked learning about Milton.
The poem 'On Shakespeare' is very difficult to understand to me, because the grammar structure and the antique English language use by Milton, in my opinion, the poem is like a tribute wrote by Milton to Shakespeare which highligths the strong of his work versus the physical material reliq.
This time I going to make it simple. Milton, was for me not as great as W.Shaskpear but the way he wrote about him was so brilliant that anyone could fallinlove with him.
Milton was so good, and he always wrote about his life, that's what I admired from him. His poems were truthfull and honest, and really shows us what he was feeling in that time. On Shakespear was trutly a pice of his heart, and soul.
To make it short Milton and I both admired Shakespeare but he shows it in his one ways.
At first I should say that John Milton was the greatest writer after Shakespeare and both of them are very metaphoric men. Any way I think that John Milton wrote "On Shakespeare" because he admire him for his talent so he wrote that in his honor, using the iambic pentameter which is a meter that Shakespeare used in almost all his plays. Also I believe that John Milton wanted to write plays that cause the same impact in the society like Shakespeare did and that’s why he wrote on his epitaph, to make himself known by people. Finally I wanted to sorry with you about the delay, it won't happen again. See you next class, Lorena Blossiers
Thank you very much for all your comments, they were really insightful. This week, we will not have a new subject since we have not finished the presentation on Milton's influences. Have an excellent Eastern Holiday.
Hi miss, well milton has a really beatifull poem, only knowing that one person did a poem for shakespeare is something increadible, because now you see ir really dificult to find some who really loves reading, for me this is new but now I think I'll began reading poems of that time. Thank miss
Hi Miss, Well, to be honest I have never heard about Jhon Milton before, but I find him very interesting since he was like a rebel, writing about Satan and divorce, not so common topics for the time. One of his main influences was William Shakespeare, that is why he wrote On Shakespeare, to conmemorate him. The poem is about Shakespeare´s legacy and the importance of his work. For Milton, he was like a role model to follow, and consider that the literature he made was just perfect. The poem is written in iambic pentameter and divided into heroic couplets.
Well, I believe that John Milton really admire Shakespeare, and well, it's interesting because Shakespeare was a great writer and his poems are really good also, that's why he is so famous. So, I think that Milton wanted to put that admiration on a paper to be showed to everyone.
And also to let us see that Shakespeare was his model and inspired him to write poems and so on, as we can see that they were based on Shakespeare.
That specific poem "On Shakespeare", I think that was for that, to write how much he admired him and how was his legacy to the world, and specially for him.
In my opinion, John Milton wrote this poem in order to make an homenage to Shakespeare after his death, because it mentions Shakespeare, the poem has an structure similar as the Shakespearean sonet (iambic pentameter)and is an epitaph. This poem was also known as : "An epitaph on the admirable dramaticke poet"
ReplyDeleteSara Fernández
5° B
ReplyDeleteRemember that the structure of the poem is HEROIC COUPLET (it means 2 lines with similar rhyme aa, bb, etc. What is similar to Shakespeare sonnets is that Milton uses iambic pentameter.
From the poem, I think you could really appreciate how relevant was Shakespeare in Milton's life (Actually, I think Shakespeare can be relevant in each one of our lifes), not only in the way he wrote his own work (like copying the iambic pentameter), but also in his thoughts.
ReplyDeleteSo, I was just wondering, why has Milton's work never been translated to modern english?
Anyway, I've got to be going, It's kinda late!
Bye Miss!
Well is a way to apreciate the work from Shakespear. Milton John was a devote fan, and in this poem we can see it clearly. It shows a lot of admiration and it compares Shakekspear sometimes with gods or things like that. It looks that Milton have a lot of passion on the literature and he believes Shakespear was a great man in this field. To resume, in this poem Milton John is thanking Shakespear for doing that great job that he do and he is admiring him.
ReplyDeleteFabiola Revolledo
4to A
Hi miss!
ReplyDeleteWell, I believe that Milton was trying to express his admiration and homenage to Shakespeare in his words, and this was after his death. (To be in an epitaph, it had to be something really significative)
What is really interesting, is that being a revolutionary , he menifests his feelings to his best role model. So, it means that he followed his believes in many ways.
That's it.
see you,
Samantha Acuna C.
5to B
John Milton wanted to express his admiration to Shakespeare literature so he made a poem in his honnor after his death. Milton really liked the way that Shakespeare expressed his thoughts, he used the same tecnic to write (Iambic Pentameter)
ReplyDeleteBye Miss :)
'On Shakespeare' was a great poem. Its so inspiring and so beautiful.Well, this poem it´s actually an epitaph.
ReplyDeleteIt was incredible to see how much Jhon Milton admired and loved Shakespeare. It was such a touching epitaph.
I love it.
Karla Maria Rivas Plata
'On Shakespeare' I think that John Milton has reason because he is a great poet and has influence in the actual poets. He admired Shakespeare because of his work his poems ans his plays.
ReplyDeleteI was very interested when i read it.
Alba Lucia
For me John Milton is a real fan of Shakespeare thats why he wrote those poems , really i like it because we can see how he admired his work and his feelings and it´s good to let know if a person have got the talent to do it.
ReplyDeleteCristina Cruz
To tell you the truth, I just can't figure it out, how I managed to analyze the sonnet and explain it to the class. When you told me: “Very good, Lucia”, I was like: “Whoa, was that me?”
ReplyDeleteAnyway, before last class, I didn’t even know Milton existed which is pretty sad. I was really impressed when you said that he wrote an epic poem “Paradise Lost” that had 10.000 individual lines of verse, 10.000 verses! Even thought I don’t like religious topics, I think his work was fantastic. Just seeing what he wrote about Shakespeare in “On Shakespeare”, the devote, passionate and brilliant way he decided to honor Shakespeare work and his geniality, gives you the idea of the particularities of his work.
Recently, I also discovered that he wrote a “sequel” to Paradise Lost called “Paradise Regained” where he tries to reverse the loss of paradise. He was really fond of religion, wasn`t he?
While reading the description of “Paradise Lost”, I found that the book talked about the Book of Enoch and I immediately remembered a book I read about angels called HUSH,HUSH where a fallen angel talked about it and the Nephilim and this made consider giving it a second thought about Religious Topics.
So, maybe, Milton has managed to make me interested in this kind of topics, which is actually pretty difficult.
I´m really looking forward to discovering what else can his work manage to do.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWell, after reading his poem several times.. I finally got it.
ReplyDeleteJohn Milton did an epitaph in honor to Shakespeare, and he also used the same way of writing (iambic pentameter). I find it really difficult to make a tribute to such a genius! But he did it and he really did a good job.
I love the way he mixed words from the Greek culture with the amazement he felt for him. It's really impressive how many words he knows, I remember myself in class saying: "I gotta read Paradise Lost!"
John Milton did an admirable work.
He really put a lot of effort in making us know how wonderful IS Shakespeare (because as his sonnet, he's alive).
Ana Claudia
Milton wrote this poem in honor to shakespeare because he admires him. I think this poem is very impressive because he also can transmit through words his feelings to Shakespeare.
ReplyDeleteAlejandra Maldonado
Well, I think that it's a great work, because this epitaph shows the admiration that John Milton had to Shakespear and also he used the type of writing Shakespear did(iambic pentameter)
ReplyDeleteAnd for me it's really difficult to write my feelings, but it's most difficult to write my feelings about someone so reconized as Shakespear, so his job it's admirable.
Claudia Ordoñez Escobedo
From my point of view, John Milton was describing the value of Shakespeare's literary works because here he says that there is no need to create a tomb or monuments of Shakespeare because he has already created one in the hearts of the readers, which is completely true. Shakespeare was awesome!
ReplyDeleteI also believe that in this poem, he wanted to point out the mainly arguments about the difference between common fame and the truly lasting accomplishments of a great mind. Shakespeare was the inspiration of many poets and we really noticed it.
Before starting to post this comment, I must say that I’ve been looking for some information about Milton because I really didn’t know anything about him (only what we were talking in class).
I found that between 1632 and 1638 he lived in his father’s cottage and there, he started to prepare his poetic career through an ambition program of readings about Greek and Roman classics, as well as political and ecclesiastical history. Perhaps, it explains the way of writing that he had. That’s why we find many characters from Greek Mythology in his works, which is really impressive.
I also understand why you are saying that he was a revolutionary in his own way. I found that he received bad critics because of his personality and the way he expressed himself in some of his works. And I’m not sure, but I think he died in prison because he wrote in some of his works, things about the government and he had problems with the parliament. Anyway, he was an excellent poet.
I’d like to read “The Paradise Lost”, I know that this is one of his representative works and I found it interesting. There, he describes how human were expelled from the paradise just for eating the forbidden fruit and then, how we can gain it again in the “Paradise Regained”. Of course, I would take a lot of time to finish it because it’s really (believe it or not) tough to understand some expressions he used.
Well, I was only supposed to write my interpretation of the poem “On Shakespeare” but I really wanted to share the information that I found. I’m very excited of getting out of my ignorance and know more about great writers (the fact of being in my last year of secondary level and not know who was John Milton, was frustrating)
Fortunately, we are seeing these topics in the school,haha.
I think it’s enough for now. See you next class Miss Monica.
Andrea Jara
I think that John Milton wrote this poem in honor to shakespeare because he was his muse and also because shakespear was admirable.
ReplyDeleteFor me this is a really beatiful and impresive poem because he also used Iambic Pentameter and this proves that Shakespeare was his master.
Alejandra Lozano Canales
In my opinion, Milton did a great job!He honor
ReplyDeleteShakespeare in this poem and make a beautiful epitaph.He also used iambic pentameter like Shakespeare and heroic couplet which make this poem autentic. As Milton mention in the poem,Shakespeare made his own monument and let us his Knowledges.
Also, I really like this poem and the way that Milton used his knowledge of Greek culture. I don't understand why John Milton is not too famous if he was an excellent poet, I'm going to searh more information and poems about him because I found his way of write very interesting.
See you next class,
Hi miss!
ReplyDeleteI think that, when Milton was writing the poem, he was thinking if what he was writing was good enough to be in honour of Shakespeare. In an hypothetical case that Milton considered Shakespeare as his model (an hypothetical case that I think is true), maybe he could think that the great thinkers of his time would find his poem too bad to be for Shakespeare, or that his publication will not be acepted.
Also, I admire on Milton that he prepared himself in important subjet of the time, as are the Greek and Roman classics (we have to remember that he lived in the Renaissance), and also political and ecclesiastical history. I think that influenced him a lot in his way of writing, as we can see in Lost Paradise.
I have read fragments of the work of Milton, but I think that if I want to find the real idea he wanted to transmit, I have to do it in Enlgish, not only because it is one of the greatest poets we had had in the history of the Literature, but he is one of the few real poets that have wrote with the heart in hand.
I think that is all I think.
Carla Márquez
5° B
ReplyDeleteFor me John Milton wrote this poem in honour of Shakespeare, he did it because Milton admired Shakespeare so much maybe for his experience and his beautiful sonnets. As we can see, he used the same way for writing his poems, iambic pentameter, and in that way we can see all the admiration that he felt for Shakespeare.
For me, he did a great work with this poem because nowadays he transmits us the admiration and all those feelings that he felt for Shakespeare, is a important contribution for the culture and the literature of these days.
I really like the poem.
Alexandra Llumpo S. 5to"B"
Hi Miss Monica,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, sorry for posting this comment so late, i had problems with my computer but now it is all fixed.
"On Shakespeare" by John Milton, is an epitaph in which Milton tries to show the great admiration that he had for Shakespeare.
In the poem, Milton mention that it is not necessary to built monuments in his honor to show how beautiful were his poems, because after each person read his works, they would found it incredible and in this way the monument will be created inside of us, as a relique we will never forget.
Milton compared Shakespeare with some characters of greek mithology and also with kings, so this shows how important are the works of Shakespeare for the history.
As well as this poem, he had written many other poems remain the best known "Paradise lost".
It would be really interesting to continue reading works of Milton, as many other writers that had contributed to the history.
Good bye,
Vanessa Vidal
5to Sec B
I was searching in the net about John Milton, because to tell you the truth I didn’t knew about him. I found that Milton's contribution was solicited for the second folio commendations because one from his father had appeared in the first folio, and the request represented a significant show of gratitude towards the Milton family. Something I found really interesting was that “On Shakespeare” he did his first publication while he was just beginning M.A. and had a small but promising reputation as a versifier, if not yet, a poet.
ReplyDeleteI believe that Milton wrote this poem, actually an epitaph, honoring Shakespeare. And we can see this admiration and love, when he mentions for example “hallow’d reliques”. Shakespeare was never considered or consecrated a saint but for Milton he was kind of it, as he also refers him as a son of a goddess (in this case Mnemosyne’s son). As well he marks out his work as incomparable poems that will never be reached.
For him, it was not necessary to build a monument or a tomb, because what really mattered for Milton was that people could create those things in their hearts.
As we can see, for Milton, Shakespeare was a huge influence as he used the same technique (iambic pentameter), even though the structure for the poem was different (heroic couplet). He really did a great work, because with the dedication that he put in the epitaph he has made us realize how important Shakespeare was for him, and convey his importance and his work to all of us.
I was searching in the net about John Milton, because to tell you the truth I didn’t knew about him. I found that Milton's contribution was solicited for the second folio commendations because one from his father had appeared in the first folio, and the request represented a significant show of gratitude towards the Milton family. Something I found really interesting was that “On Shakespeare” he did his first publication while he was just beginning M.A. and had a small but promising reputation as a versifier, if not yet, a poet.
ReplyDeleteI believe that Milton wrote this poem, actually an epitaph, honoring Shakespeare. And we can see this admiration and love, when he mentions for example “hallow’d reliques”. Shakespeare was never considered or consecrated a saint but for Milton he was kind of it, as he also refers him as a son of a goddess (in this case Mnemosyne’s son). As well he marks out his work as incomparable poems that will never be reached.
For him, it was not necessary to build a monument or a tomb to show how important was Shakespeare, what really mattered for Milton was that people could create those things in their hearts while reading his poems.
As we can see, for Milton, Shakespeare was a huge influence as he used the same technique (iambic pentameter), even though the structure for the poem was different (heroic couplet). He really did a great work, because with the dedication that he put in the epitaph he has made us realize how important Shakespeare was for him, and convey his importance and his work.
John Milton wrote a wonderful poem to Shakespeare showing their appreciation and admiration, both in his way of writing (iambic pentameter) and his own words.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, Shakespeare gave us a great contribution to the literature and knowledge so that also came to admire.
Until now, he is remembered for his incomparable talent.
I will continue looking for more on John Milton.
Pamela Chahua
In my opinion, John Milton wanted to honor Shakespeare in his poem 'On Shakespeare’ (that it's actually an epitaph because it was written after Shakespeare's death) for all his work. He is comparing him with great things, to a point where he says that Shakespeare is a saint (hallow'd reliques). But he is also saying that there is no need to create monuments for Shakespeare because he has already created himself one with his valuable and wonderful work and also that nobody will be capable to surpass his work.
ReplyDeleteIn 'On Shakespeare' we can observe the presence of a heroic couplet, which means that are 2 lines that at the end rhyme. John Milton is known for his poem 'Paradise Lost', here he wanted to express the fight between God and Satan, between good and evil. This poem has been the source of inspiration in several aspects of art and modern culture.
Paradise Regained was the following poem he wrote. There he is charting the temptation of Christ by Satan, and the return of the possibility of paradise. The reputation of the sequel never equaled its antecedent.
I want to add that John Milton was born at the end of the renaissance and in the beginning of the reformation. Because of this he was influenced by the Greek and Roman classics and he showed this in the way in which he wrote his poems.
Changing the subject, I wanted to tell you that I realized the mistake I had in the quiz about the sonnet XVIII and that now I know that Shakespeare was talking about immortality and that all his feelings for the person he was writing to, will last forever.
Well that's all for now, see you next class!
Silvana Carretero
Form 5
I really surprised last class when we studied milton and to analyze his poems.
ReplyDeleteI'm totally agree withh Milton because I think like him that shakespeare does not need any type of monument to be admired, since his work has done that every reader takes it in their hearts.
also, I could notice that Jhon Milton had admiration for shakespeare, since he compares it with persons of the Greek mythology and kings, I thik that is because before he read very much about greek and Rome.
Another thing is that Milton write his poems with the same structure of shakespeare's poems that were sonets with iambic pentameter,this poems were HEROIC COUPLET ,too .
I am very happy of being learning about Milton since we reinforces my knowledge of literature and also we are leraning about new Prominent figures of history anf literature.
With this class I think that we will learn about all prominent figures that before we did not know much and that will serve us for the present and future life.
Claudia Luna Victoria.
hi miss (:
ReplyDeleteWell the last class I really enjoyed because I learned new things about John Milton I have ever heard about him since tuesday .
In this poem about Shakespeare, John Milton describes the value of literary works of Shakespeare. He said that there was no need to create a tomb or monument of Shakespeare he has already created one in the hearts of the readers.
See you next class miss :D
Milagros Burga A.
John Milton epitaph, “On Shakespeare” could be a little difficult to interpret and analyze because of the Greek words he used.
ReplyDeleteBut I really admire, the honor and respect he had from Shakespeare, it was like a symbol for Milton, to continue written different poems, epitaphs, etc.
So great was the admiration for Shakespeare that he decided to write this poem on iambic pentameter (same as Shakespeare) but has Heroic couplet structure.
In this epitaph, Milton express, how Shakespeare had that power and magic on writing, to influence in others writers. Also, how Shakespeare works got inside the heart of each of the people who read one of them. And, Shakespeare was such a great artist and writer that everyone, even the most important men of their times would like to take his position, his creativity.
For me, history, language, and that kind of reading things, don’t attract my attention, but read about this, make me realize that I think the same as Milton, there will not be another human in the world that can write and express feelings as Shakespeare did. What I mean with this is that he can enthrall even those who do not like or who think it is boring and foolish.
See you,
Jhon milton admire shakespeare, so in his honor he wote a poem being based in the way he wrote.
ReplyDeleteSo he take his poems like bases.
Hi Miss,
ReplyDeleteWell, in my opinion John Milton wrote this epitaph(actually written in iambic pentameter and heoric couplet) to express his strong admiration to Shakespeare work. As this is an epitaph he wrote it after Shakespare's death.
Shakespeare, of course, was never consecrated a saint by any ecclesiastical authority. "Hallow'd reliques" here is merely a poetic way of referring to the admired poets remains.
That's why in conclude that to Milton Shakespeare didn't need any monument or tomb to be considered, because just for his amazing work(for everybody) he was admired by everybody.
I'm really glad we are learning this in class, as we begin to understand more and more about archaic language (what is new for us( and because we are getting really intested about shakespeare and others writers works.
See you next class,
Andrea Felipa
Cladia, normally old English is understandable nowadays, it is true some people have adventured to translate some other authors into modern English but not as an atempt to change the idea of the poem but to make it more understandable to regular people.
ReplyDeleteDear students, Do not forget you must use the word homage and forget the Spanish version 'homenage' which does not exist in English.
ReplyDeleteHi miss,
ReplyDeleteI personally believe that John Milton as well as Shakespeare did his best in poetry. I didn't really know about him so I searched for some information on internet and found out that as a poet, most of the people appreciated him but as a person he wasn't that admirable because he used to give more importance to his work than to his family.
Also, he had some difficulties like blindness but although it could have been a problem for writing, he managed to find the way to write. For example, when he had a new idea of what to write about, he thought of it all the night and the next day in the morning he told somenone to write it for him. In this way, he ended to write his play called "The lost paradise" and some years later he also published the second part of it.
On the other side, he was sometimes selfish because he only focussed on his persaonal requierements and left by a side his daughters. We can see this clearly when he push them to learn how to read greek for him but didn't care about the fact that they couldn't understand what they were saying.
Everything makes me think he was also to proud from himself as he included many oh his descriptions in plays. These cause him some problems as many people began to criticize him.
For instance, a common extract from the play called "Defensio" shows how proud he was from himself:
"I admit that I'm not tall, but my height is closer to the medium than to the small one... I'm also not particularly weak ... considering my age and lifestyle, I was not ignorant in swordplay , and practiced using it every day ... Now I have the same spirit, the same force, but not the same eyes. And yet, I still preserve the appearance of healthy eyes, and are as clear and vivid, without any haze, as the eyes of those who see perfectly ... on my face is still perceived color that is the exact opposite of the pale and lifeless, by so although I have already more than forty years, there is hardly anyone who does not look younger by at least ten years. Nor is it true that my body or my skin will have faded”.
About the poem he wrote after Shakespeare's death (On Shakespeare), I believe it’s really amazing the way he describe how much he admire him. He out-stranded Shakespeare almost as a god and wished to reach all the things he did because Shakespeare will always be remember and analyze in future generations too.
This poem is written in antique English so it was quite difficult to understand but apart from that, it was very interesting and caught my attention a lot.
Before closing, I would like to comment that it may have been kind of difficult to write when historically they were changing of era and it's admirable how well he developed and use this as an advantage in his own work and recognize it as "Renaissance in nature".
Knowing a little more about John Milton was a wooooonderfull experience, thanks for everything.
Take care,
Melissa (:
Hi Miss.
ReplyDeleteFirst excuse for not write the other day,but i have some problems with the blog.First of all i think that this class was very intersted and i don`t knwo the firt day about what it is about but now i know and i think that was very exited that we have a subjet than it.
About jhon Milton i like him because tht he said Shakespear was a exellent man that write very well and i admire he.He don´t need a monument to saw what amazing he was, because you only have to read his poems and you are going to be very exited.
A soon as Milton write his poems with the same structure of shakespeare's poems that i very like and i think that it was a form to notice that he admire Shakspear.
Another thing was that it would be really exited to continue reading about Milton, as many other persons that had contributed to our story and write poems that were very intersted.
I very emotional beause i think that i`m going to know more about this writers and i am going to learn more english.
See you,
Gretell Mejía(:
Hi Miss,
ReplyDeleteHope you're all right! First, of all sorry for the delay, it won't happen again. I swear it :)
Anyway, as I wanted to know more about him, as I did with Shakespeare, I popped into some web pages which helped me a lot to deepen my knowledge about Literature.
Well, it's said that John Milton was very influenced by Shakespeare, though; Milton had an opposite sort of personality. Among other things he has been accused of being politically an opportunist, of being immoral for the agreements on the divorce, and for his three marriages that ironically, they never ended in divorce.
Also, many people declared he had an enormous ego as Milton despised his friends when they were trying to make a comedy saying these words: "They believed themselves gallant men, I believed them idiots".
Apart form that. He has also been accused of having and stained relation with his daughters. In fact, he didn’t want to occupy of his daughters' emotions or their educational needs.
Moreover, he was really worshipped for being a poet. However, that wasn't the case when people referred to him for being a person. As for the opinions of experts, all of them agreed of saying this: "I am afraid that the way more short and more satisfactory of saying it is that, once everything has been said, Milton is a poet that we cannot stop estimating and a man whom we cannot estimate ".
Furthermore, Milton had an magnus-opus the Paradise Lost, it was composed by the blind Milton from 1658–1664 through dictation given to a series of aides in his employ. It reflects his personal despair at the failure of the Revolution, yet he affirms an ultimate optimism.
Finally, Milton had offered a Literary legacy to the world and it’s the Blank verse. It is distinguished by having a regular meter, but no rhyme. So, the “Miltonic verse” might be synonymous for a century with blank verse as poetry, a new poetic terrain independent from both the drama and the heroic couplet.
Personally, I think that Milton’s work had been brilliant and I really love the fact that other writers like him write a large number of poems in homage of previous writers, so that the culture will prevail forever. Also, I remain amazed each time we analize the poem as it’s full of metaphors. I can’t get how this people can express human emotions in such perfect way.
For me, each new writer we see, it’s a new marvelous adventure.
Bárbara Málaga
Form 4B ♥
To begin with, I have to say that John Milton, was a a great writer, and eventhough Shakespeare, also did poems, John Milton was very respectful about him.
ReplyDeleteI think the class had a lot of enthuasiasm and that's what made it great. Since we had talk about Shakespeare already, that made us realise how important this history is for us.
To be honest I don't understand all the words, but as I said before, I'll try to do my best. Although this is not easy, is very interesting this culture.
Thanks for making the class a good moment to learn.
Andrea Chávez
Form 4
To begin with, I have to say that John Milton, was a great writer, and eventhough Shakespeare, also did poems, John Milton was very respectful about him.
ReplyDeleteI think the class had a lot of enthuasiasm and that's what made it great. Since we had talk about Shakespeare already, that made us realise how important this history is for us.
To be honest I don't understand all the words in the poems, but as I said before, I will try to do my best. Although this is not easy, this culture is very interesting.
John Milton had a lot of admiration for Shakespeare, that's why we wrote this poem, in honor of him.
Thanks for making the class a good moment to learn.
Andrea Chávez
Form 4 "A".
I think John Milton wrote this because he was HUGE Shakespare's fan and he wanted people to apreciate what he have done. He worked with the iambic pentameter as shakespeare because he inspired his poems on Shakespeare's work and Life. So he though it was good to use it because shakespeare did it.
ReplyDeleteMara ♥
hi miss
ReplyDeletewell I really like jhon milton becuase he defended and disseminated their ideas through their plays that where marked by high religious idealism and his interest in cosmic matters. also his plays shows a great knowledge of classical Latin, Greek and Hebrew
About the poem he wrote "on Shakespeare", I believe it's interesting the way he wrote about Shakespeare, it seems that he really admired him.
The part i really like is
"Thou in our wonder and Astonishment
Livelong Hast built thyself a monument. "
Because he said that Shakespeare is going to be remembered forever and that he built his reputation through his work valuable.also that he will be remembered for all generations.
bye miss
ytalia lavalle
4 "B" sec.
Hi Miss!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for the delay ,it won't happen again.
For many John Milton is one of the greatest english authors after Shakespeare.
His work is marked by religious idealism and his interest in cosmic matters. It reveals a deep knowledge of classical Latin, Greek and Hebrew.
Just as Shakespeare,he has left us a great legacy that we must aprecciate and honour.
I think he admired Shakespeare a lot, even though they weren't from the same social class , wich by the way , influenced a lot at that time. In that poem he puts Shakespeare as a God , and uses only metaphors that express beauty , he idealized him so much , that he desires to be as good as him.
John Milton is a complex author that mixes his personal life with his work; which obviusly caught my attention.
See you next class (:
Alexandra Cánepa
I think, he wrote 'On Sakespeare' because Jhon
ReplyDeleteMilton admired Sakespeare and it seems to be that, because he is telling us writing this poem that he wrote it in his honor, when Shakespeare die. He was an inspiration for Jhon Milton and for everybody. Shakespeare is always taking part of our lifes with his histories an it seems to be the same whith Jhon Milton.
Jhon Milton also uses Shakespeare tecnic to write as iambic pentameter.
Yurandi Quino :)
4to. B
Miss Monica,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I want to say how sorry I am for the delay and I want to promise this would not happen again (:
Well, as this was the first time I hear about Milton, I thought that it would be a good idea to search some things about him, so I read some interesting webpages about him.
It's said that Milton has a lot of influence in his works by Shakespeare. Although, Milton's personality was opposite to Shakespeare's as he had a really great ego and considered himself a really good writer unlike Shakespeare who never published his plays and sonnets himself and sold some plays just for one penny.
I found out that he was not so devoted into his family and that with some other things, made him a little bit selfish, also it was for the unhappy marriage he had with Mary Powell that she left, that's when he wrote his ideas about divorce in 'Divorce Tracts' and 'Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce'.
His marriage relationship was not the only bad one, he also referes badly about his friends by saying: 'They believed themselves gallant men, I believed them idiots.'
Throughout his life, Milton had strong opinions about government, religion, education, and society matters nearly cost him his life. Though Paradise Lost is a reflection of the failure of the Commonwealth period that Milton supported so ardently, it succeeded in catalyzing two centuries of English poetry.
Eventhough, his polemical acussations like being with his daughters or marrying three times and none of them ending in a divorce, he has gained worldwide fame and influenced generations of writers. Though he died more than a hundred years before its inception, he is considered one of the forefathers of the Romantic period.
Furthermore, his magnificent book 'Lost Paradise' was publish when Milton was blind because he suffered of glaucoma, that's why he had to dictate what he wanted to write to someone else.
Regarding the poem, I believe the admiration he had for Shakespeare was enormouslly , as the homage he did for him was really emotional and described him as a god as he compared him with them: 'Dear son of memory, great heir of Fame`, also in the last heroic couplet he put him even above Kings, saying: 'And so Sepulcher'd in such pomp dost lie, That Kings for such Tomb would wish to die.'
To me, Milton is just an extraordinary writer with confuse ideas about everything surrounding him, this must be due to the environment he lived in, with so many contradictions and different points of view, where people didn't follow their insticts and always do as the goverment and the church wanted to.
All in all, I was very happy to learn from a new writer because each one lets you see a different point of view of the world and from the culture they lived in at that moment.
See you tomorrow (:
Teffi Sarco.
Miss Monica:
ReplyDeleteThe class of Milton that you taught us was very interesting because I knew things of Milton that I didn’t know before like that he admire a lot Shakespeare and that he wrote the poem called “On Shakes pear” as a homage after his death.
I think that in the poem, Milton wanted to explain why he thought Shakespeare had to be respect. Also he said that Shakespeare did a great job during his life like a Renaissance poet.
I expect that the other classes would be as good as yours.
Arlette Tardillo
Form 4”A”
Miss Monica:
ReplyDeleteMilton wrote a heroic couplet for Shakespeare called: “On Shakes pear." I think Milton is a metaphoric man.
I expect he wrote that poem because he admired a lot him, he was his idol. He had a respect to Shakespeare’s’ poems. He can also see that in his poem he mention or compare him as if he were a god. Milton tried to show us that Shakespeare is a fantastic man, and also about his good job doing poems, phases, etc.
In my opinion, he was very realist and direct what he really wanted to transmit.
As I told you before, your class about Shakespeare and also Milton, are didactic and funny, that makes us paid attention to your class. All the classes in the school must be like yours, though.
I also expect that your classes about these themes make me feel like if I were in other planets.
Before I close, I also want to sorry for the delay. Well, see you in the next class.
Desire Rodas Reategui. ♥
Hi miss Monica,
ReplyDeleteFirstly, I need to say sorry for the delay, it would not happen again.
Well, responding to your post I think Milton is a very good writer and what I really like about him, it's that he had admired Shakespeare always(and I totally agree with him in that aspect).
I started looking for some information about him so here it is:
-John Milton has born in 9 December 1608 and has died in 8 November 1674.
-He was an English poet, author and a polemicist.
-He is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost.
-He was a polemic writer because he has written about religion and some things about politics.
-He wrote in Latin and Italian, and had an international reputation during his lifetime.
-After his death, Milton's personal reputation has continued through the centuries.
-He remains generally regarded "as one of the preeminent writers in the English language and as a thinker of world importance."
Well I need to say goodbye.
Priscilla Quesada.
Form 4 "A".
hi miss!
ReplyDeletefirst of all i admit this was the first time i hear about milton but now i think he really was a shakespeare fan and a great writer too.
shakespeare was his inspiration to write wonderful poems and even thought he had problems with his eyes, he managed to create a lot of interesting poems and more.
something that really surprised me was that at so early age he knew perfectly latin and italian something i would want to do.
finally i think that even though milton was different to shakespeare for his high confidence, he was a very important writer who left us his creations and his devotion to shakespeare.
(im very sorry for the delay, miss sorry!!)
well thats all :)
bye !
Miss Monica,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, sorry for the delay. I couldn't do it earlier. I hope it's not so late.
To begin with, John Milton was an English poet that even if he was radical and revolutionary, he caused a great impact in the society with his sonnets and in general, with his poetry.
I've searched a little about Milton and I found that in his poetry he reflect deep convictions that made the people of that time thought about the circumstances in which they are living. Milton also knew other languages, so he wrote in latin and italian and that's how he become well-known.
Well, in my opinion John Milton wrote "On Shakespeare" because he wanted to dedicate him a poem in which he could transmit all his thoughts and admirations that he had towards Shakespeare.
Probably Milton worshipped Shakespeare a lot, thats why he wrote the poem with such feeling that he describe Shakespeare as a God or someone magnificent.
I think that's all for now. I really liked learning about Milton.
See you,
Laura Fukunaga
Form 4B
The poem 'On Shakespeare' is very difficult to understand to me, because the grammar structure and the antique English language use by Milton, in my opinion, the poem is like a tribute wrote by Milton to Shakespeare which highligths the strong of his work versus the physical material reliq.
ReplyDeletesergina silva
hi miss!
ReplyDeleteThis time I going to make it simple. Milton, was for me not as great as W.Shaskpear but the way he wrote about him was so brilliant that anyone could fallinlove with him.
Milton was so good, and he always wrote about his life, that's what I admired from him. His poems were truthfull and honest, and really shows us what he was feeling in that time. On Shakespear was trutly a pice of his heart, and soul.
To make it short Milton and I both admired Shakespeare but he shows it in his one ways.
Majo Rivas Plata
4B sec
At first I should say that John Milton was the greatest writer after Shakespeare and both of them are very metaphoric men.
ReplyDeleteAny way I think that John Milton wrote "On Shakespeare" because he admire him for his talent so he wrote that in his honor, using the iambic pentameter which is a meter that Shakespeare used in almost all his plays. Also I believe that John Milton wanted to write plays that cause the same impact in the society like Shakespeare did and that’s why he wrote on his epitaph, to make himself known by people.
Finally I wanted to sorry with you about the delay, it won't happen again.
See you next class,
Lorena Blossiers
Hello Miss,
ReplyDeleteMilton wrote this poem to Honor Shakespare and remember everybody that Shakespare was a genious and must be admire.
He wrote what he tought of him.
I think that Milton inspiration for all his poems was Shakespare.
I can not think of a better poem for the epitaph Of Shakespare
Evalia Catalan
Thank you very much for all your comments, they were really insightful.
ReplyDeleteThis week, we will not have a new subject since we have not finished the presentation on Milton's influences.
Have an excellent Eastern Holiday.
Hi miss, well milton has a really beatifull poem, only knowing that one person did a poem for shakespeare is something increadible, because now you see ir really dificult to find some who really loves reading, for me this is new but now I think I'll began reading poems of that time. Thank miss
ReplyDeleteErika Vásquez 4To B
Hi Miss,
ReplyDeleteWell, to be honest I have never heard about Jhon Milton before, but I find him very interesting since he was like a rebel, writing about Satan and divorce, not so common topics for the time. One of his main influences was William Shakespeare, that is why he wrote On Shakespeare, to conmemorate him. The poem is about Shakespeare´s legacy and the importance of his work. For Milton, he was like a role model to follow, and consider that the literature he made was just perfect.
The poem is written in iambic pentameter and divided into heroic couplets.
Yuriko Aquino R.
Form 4 "A"
Hi miss,
ReplyDeleteWell, I believe that John Milton really admire Shakespeare, and well, it's interesting because Shakespeare was a great writer and his poems are really good also, that's why he is so famous.
So, I think that Milton wanted to put that admiration on a paper to be showed to everyone.
And also to let us see that Shakespeare was his model and inspired him to write poems and so on, as we can see that they were based on Shakespeare.
That specific poem "On Shakespeare", I think that was for that, to write how much he admired him and how was his legacy to the world, and specially for him.
See you,
Karla Keiko